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Please use this space to post any related follow-up experiences you have with curation.

In watching SETDA's recent broadcast on the "Out of Print: Reimagining the K-12 Textbook in a Digital Age," I was struck by Tiffany Hall, the K-12 Literacy Coordinator in Utah, who mentioned curation as a professional learning exercise.

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(If you're interested in more of Tiffany's talk, which was quite interesting, it starts at about 31:00 here.)

Task Discussion

  • Tellio   Oct. 1, 2012, 7:54 a.m.

    Thanks, Karen, for the video and for doing follow up here.  I think I will propose a bit of a follow up myself later this week.  A few initial items as I work my way through Tiffany's presentation:


    1.  I like bottom up invitation, teachers meeting up themselves flattening the hierarchy.  Would like to see teacher leadership on this initiate at the bottom and then get facilitation help from the top--experts on tap dontchaknow.  Although I am glad of the leadership in Utah realizing that they might want to prime the pump with the science and math teachers.

    2.  It was very interesting that among science teachers cost was not a major factor, but accessibility to resources.  It makes me think that open texts and education are finally embracing 'mash-up' culture.  I would love to think that some of us might be able to automate the text authoring process in a way that is like creating a collaborative playlist that keeps evolving.  Everyone once in awhile we stop and say, "OK, this is version x.x with an emphasis on these items for learning a particular topic or subject."  Then we might start all over from a different stance.  I am thinking here about how, for example, different critical points of view can change in almost absolute ways our take on an author and his or her works.  Specifically, I am reminded how all of Shakespeare scholarship was revived by feminist critiques of his plays.  Could groups of us come up with ways to create ad hoc textbooks?  BEtter yet could we get our students to do the same thing?

    3. I am fascinated by how much annotation has taken off as a tool for literacy engagement.  Tiffany recounts how important it is for students to not only have 24/7, printable access to textbooks but also to be able to digitally annotate them.  I agree.  I am working on a resource at Digital.Is on this to share later, but I see this extending into students annotating the world.  Perhaps it might lead to digital tagging of open spaces with augmentive reality apps, potentially disruptive for admin folks (in other words, students might learn to 'tag' open walls with digital graffiti that cannot be scrubbed off) to textbooks that revise themselves by including QR codes or gps coding of some sort.


    4.  I am also interested in Tiffany's description about Utah's attempts to 'formalize' informal sharing among teachers.  Good luck with that.  For one, codifying complexity is a fool's errand.  Once captured, thence lost.  Yes, you can grab the things of sharing, but the process that generates that? I don't think so.  Many of us view top down formalization as a cue to move on.  It is like our parents liking our music.  Time to move on to something fresher, more immediate, and more reflective of the zeitgeist, our zeitgeist not theirs. It's about ownership/authorship of our own ideas.

    5.  I haven't made any mention of curation till now, but I think the comments above about ad hoc textbooking fits the curtorial model.  I have already used curation platforms like Themeefy and to do this.  I know Karen has done this with some excellent Storify stories.  I can see great possibilities in what are known as 'booksprints'.  Fact is that I would like to do a booksprint with a group of teachers here at P2PU or at NWP's Digital.Is that might take advantage of these new tools. Or to help create a curatorial roadmap for how others might get together for a day or week to write a book.  This reminds of software coders getting together to create new apps or tools.  Or of the creation of the Wordpress plugin, Anthologize,  put together in a week in a 'digital barn raising'.  In fact I think NWP needs to fund 'one text, one week' competitons and we could do it during August's connected educator time frame.  Sort of like NaNoWriMo only for open textbooks.  Most could be short topics within a larger frame that would be put together into larger ones using tools like hackpad


    I will comment further as I watch more of Tiffany's video.

  • karen   Oct. 1, 2012, 2:31 p.m.
    In Reply To:   Tellio   Oct. 1, 2012, 7:54 a.m.

    Great points, as always Terry. Thanks for sharing.

    I'm thinking about your comment #4 and the fact that "many of us view top down formalization as a cue to move on." Nonetheless, this video is of a high level state department of education staff member talking about curation and how sharing practice can empower people. Kudos to her.

    I'm also thinking a lot right now about the "mainstream" of K-12 education. It is not like you and others who run away from anything that smells of the establishment. Rather, most follow the mandates they are given.

    I'm not saying that's a good thing, but if there is some top down suggestion to embrace sharing and deeply examing our practice, it seems to me that can only be a good thing. Further, I don't think the "mainstream" will go this route without some leadership. (Again, not necessarily a good thing, but perhaps realistic.)

    On a nice quite related note, I've been thinking about how openness goes way beyond open licensing. There's a strong connection to curation here too, I think.

  • Liz Renshaw   Oct. 2, 2012, 4:30 a.m.
    In Reply To:   karen   Oct. 1, 2012, 2:31 p.m.

    Thanks for posting this video, which is certainly informative on many levels. Firstly it's giving me a bit more insight about how your state/s education system operates and some of the complexities involved.   A couple of takeaways for me at this stage are

    1. the power of the partnerships with schools working with unis/foundations/commerce- this idea of entrepreneurialship is very very new in Australia particularly in the primary school sector (K-6)

    2. the issue of your different schools/areas/districts operating on different platforms. This must provide a fertile ground for the flexibility of open resources to find a home.

    3.  I think it can only be positive that school/district leadership are supporting and endorsing the creation of open texts. Sometimes it can take institutional drive/endorsement and support to 'move' teachers to even consider changing. It seems that many will hold out until the organisation says ' this is the next step'.... those early adopters will be moving on to the next horizon

    4.  it's wonderful to hear about teachers engaging in pedagogical conversations about their disciplines and considering things like scope, sequencing, pacing etc.... this is a great model of professional development with a very clear purpose and one that impacts directly back in the classroom. So often the disconnect between the PD and the classroom is a big chasm but with models got direct relevance to teachers teaching.

    5.  Interesting idea about the booksprint and seems to be a emerging idea globally recently read of one for creating an open maths text for high school in Finland(  I think)

    6.  I've not heard all Tiffanys talk but I have heard her say that the open text goes onto the district server. Does this mean that it is 'locked inside' a closed context on the district server and that it's only an open text book for those in that state?

     Just a couple of thoughts for the pot and to say I'm enjoying this conversation... :-)