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Detox - Dream

Make a video-, audio-, or written jounral entry in the detox secion of your profile page on Youth Voices, beginning with your answer to the question:

What dreams are you working to turn into reality

There are no rules. All we ask for is a well-intentioned effort and for this to become something you do on a regular, perhaps daily basis. After you finish your detox, you might be interested in the examples here from Monika Hardy's Innovation Lab in Loveland, Colorado and here on Youth Voices.

Once you have posted a Detox Discussion on Youth Voices, come back to this Task and Post a Comment.  In the comment box, create a link back to that Discussion post on Youth Voices.

Finally, click   Yes, I'm done   for this Task.

Art is your being. It’s not a drawing or creation or anything that you do. It’s something you can’t not do. Well not if you’re seeking soul peace anyway. Perhaps that’s why so many people are unsettled, take meds, do bad things.. they haven’t found their art.

An artist uses bravery, insight, creativity and boldness to challenge the status quo, takes work personally, doesn’t care if someone disagrees, embraces the mystery of their genius. An artist is someone who changes everything, someone who makes dreams come true. An artist trains people to live without a map.

(from be you. a quiet revolution)