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Selecting a license

Making it quick

The most important step in creating and sharing open content is letting others know exactly what rights they have in using it. The easiest way to do this is to select a Creative Commons license for the material you’ve created. If you're in a hurry, go choose a license. If you've got some time, read on. Either way, let us know what license you selected and why in the discussion.


Getting savvy with Creative Commons

Understanding all the Creative Commons license options and their application can be tricky or require some soul-searching. Use the Get CC Savvy challenge on P2PU as a guide to select a license that best suits your overall goals. 


* Deep dive

Like we said, Creative Commons licenses can be tricky. Lots of folks have opinions about the value and use of the NC (non-commercial), ND (no derivatives), and SA (share-alike) clauses. Do a deep dive to learn more about your own leanings: 

If you were intrigued by the SA clause, just know that you're not alone. The Free/Libre versus Open debate rages on: 

{ We've included these "Create Challenge" buttons where we think a challenge should exist. Can you create it? If so, we'll add it here. Also add challenges and resources where you think they fit! }

Task Discussion

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  • malicke   Feb. 3, 2014, 6:18 p.m.
    In Reply To:   Anonym   Feb. 3, 2014, 9:16 a.m.

    Hi Jesmion, thank you for participating. p2pu applies a CC BY SA license to all of the user submitted content on the site. This is detailed in the terms of use, under User Content:

  • malicke   Oct. 24, 2012, 11:55 a.m.

    Thoughts for an image: show a resource before it has a cc license on it, and after. highlight the license on the after version. Caption: A cc license communicates how others can reuse your work. 

  • malicke   Oct. 4, 2012, 11:42 a.m.

    basic learning goals:

    - choosing a license - the right license for the content: cc vs gnu, etc

    - how licensing works with copyright (you're not giving up your copyright)

    - adding a license to the content


    advanced learning goals:

    - nuances of NC, ND, SA and when to use them

    - free vs open