This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Edit and change the resources as needed.

What changes do you want to make to the existing resources? Do you have the rights to make changes according to the open license on the work?


You grabbed a picture from Flickr and you want to crop it to remove that blurry finger in the upper left corner. Or you found a Wikipedia article related to your topic, but only parts of it are relevant. Now is the time to modify, revise, edit, or remix the resources you found in order to teach your topic the way you want to teach it.
You can often make these changes and edits to the resource directly, depending on where the resource is hosted. For example, YouTube's Video Editor allows you to remix CC BY-licensed videos on its platform, and Wikipedia allows anyone to edit articles. Or, you may just want to download the resource and modify it offline.


This (Untitled photo by Eric Bremer, CC BY-NC license):
One Robot (graffiti)
Becomes this (3 Robots Remix by Jim Younkin, CC BY-NC-SA license):
3 Robots Remix

A note about "No Derivatives" and "Share Alike"

No Derivatives. Some CC licenses have a "No Derivatives" or ND clause. It says that you can only use that resource exactly how it's been shared with you. That means no cropping the image, fixing the grammatical errors in a paragraph, or even brightening a picture. If you want to edit or modify the resource you find, be sure to choose one that does not have the ND clause.
Share Alike. Other CC licenses have a "Share Alike" or SA clause. This means that you are allowed to make changes to the work, but you have to share that altered work using the same license as the original. If the original was CC BY-NC-SA, the edited version you create must also be CC BY-NC-SA. If you don't want to share your work under the same license as the original, choose resources that do not have the SA clause.
To learn more about the different CC licenses, check out the Get CC Savvy challenge.


Modify the resources you found so that they better suit your topic, teaching style, and needs. What kinds of changes did you make, and why? If you were lucky enough to find resources that suit your topic and teaching style without any modification, tell us what makes them work so well for you. How did you remix your resource? What tools did you use?

Task Discussion

  • Laura said:

    Hi to everyone!

    For my work I have been searching videos about how to make greenhouses and examples of some of them, because I think this is a very good resource for the kids and adults at the same time.  I did not know about the tool in youtube for modify or edit videos, so I found it very interesting and I wanted to know it too. I select some videos that I consider important for the content and the way of teaching the topic, I cut some parts because they are very large and some of them did not have enough instructions or their information was very dificult for the activity. Initially I found the tool some complicated for paste videos, program the time of duration, but I get it.

    on April 7, 2014, 9:03 p.m.
  • Elizabeth said:

    I was looking for images and other media that describe the concept of aperture in digital photography and I am using infogram to gather all the images in one place. Although I did not change any of the images, I am putting them together on one page. Luckily they all have the same CC license, 3.0.

    on March 27, 2014, 1:51 p.m.
  • Lena said:

    I modified some of my resources (especially photographs and pictures) to include text boxes with questions, captions or additional information. 

    on Oct. 24, 2013, 4:02 p.m.
  • Maria Teresa said:

    I remixed this photo for a European collaborative project "The Genius log". The aim of the project is to create a logbook of some genes, visiting Italy. The genie is Leonardo, the city chosen Venice, the place, the Church of San Martino.
    Using the Google search engine I selected the item Venice, images, research advances, the option "results can be used, shared or modified freely".
    I found the photo on the following link Wikymedia (Venice). Jpg
    On the right are several different ways to withdraw this file (download, use this file, email a link ...) including information to use the photo.
    Information by clicking the link, brings me to the following page
    Below the image is the license. The image is shared under Creative Commons Attribution. Share alike, according to which I am free to use and modify the image but I have to share in accordance with the conditions laid down by the author.
    Using Paint.NET I added the character at the photo selected .
    Also through Paint. Net have transformed this image into a pencil drawing.
    on Aug. 31, 2013, 7:36 a.m.
  • Sérgio Leal said:

    I searched for an image to start a training lesson about PLE. For that I put and found this original image:

    Original image (License


    Then I altered the image and put the CC license BY-SA like the original image and also put the name of the training lesson.

    For the remix I only used Paint.

    Remix image

    Original source:

    on Aug. 27, 2013, 10:37 a.m.

    Sérgio Leal said:

    on Aug. 27, 2013, 10:51 a.m. in reply to Sérgio Leal