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Making a badge with Inkscape [May 27, 2012, 3:14 p.m.]

Download Inkscape: LINKS

Download this resources zip file. Having trouble uploading the zip or ttf or svg files.

The following video shows, step by step, how to use the template with Inkscape:


TO DO --> clean up all from here


from previous task: CLEAN UP


you are gonna need to download a bunch of stuf... blah blah blah


Software: inkscape; it's open source and really cool.

Templates: add the template that Dirk attached to the list message.

Fonts: add links in the list message too. This is for Princeton normal for the P2PU bottom part; we need to decide on a font for the top part (name of the badge). Ideally a font that is already in mac/linux/windows, but it's not a pre-requisite to use the same cause it's so small that a similar font would do the trick (explain all this).

Additional artwork: we can add a png to be used as an icon in the badge, so that it can be transformed into a vector (in a later task).


Assessment: create a small image with inkscape with whatever you want and the P2PU text using Princeton, and save it as a png. This would make people work a bit with inkscape, but do we have to provide links explaining:

how to add a font to your system?

first steps with innkscape

I'd say yes, we need these two things... Will look for videos, at least for the inkscape task. The other one is platform specific so will need a bunch of separate links.





Open inkscape

open the svg template provided

selection of the two different areas and changing colour (I can make a screencast about this)

Importing and existing badge as a guide

adding the P2PU text and centering it (i think it's size 24)


Assessment: any problems so far? and show us your progress.


---- from older tasks -- More advanced stuff: CLEAN UP


Intro to Vectors:

Import the logo provided into inkscape and convert to a vector; watch the following video:

Instructions to import the file, number of colours in scan and so on... then position the new vector graphic on top of your badge (resizing and centering).



Instructions for paths and text; read this:

and find a good video (the ones I've seen so far are not too good).

This should be the final step so for assessment we want to see the final badge in the comments.