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The P2PU School of Ed brings the model of open, community-based peer learning to professional learning for K-12 teachers.
It's about hands-on learning driven by each educator's particular needs and classroom situations. It's about connecting, collaborating, and creating, not just reading or studying. All courses in this school are free, open-licensed (CC BY), and online. You can use the content in them for any purpose you like as long as you cite the source.
We are excited to be hosting a part of Play Youth Voices, a a learning game structured around a series of challenges for ELA, history/social studies, arts and media, and science, created by Paul Allison through the NYC Writing Project‘s Youth Voices project. This includes 15 challenges within each of the 4 subject areas listed above and are associated with 60 badges on P2PU. Several are featured above
These are some ideas for new courses for which we are seeking co-organizers:
Past offerings from the School of Ed include:
Sept., 2011
March, 2012
Summer, 2012
Early 2013
Late 2013/Early 2014