
How to build a car on a poor man's budget | A friend of mine who works across the street from me introduced me to a friend of his who just finished building his EK coupe. As we were talking, he mentioned that this was a big struggle for him...


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Robotics and Me | Building a robot.

Added on Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - 11:18, with 0 comment(s)


What To Do? | Basically I'm talking about this big decision I have to make: if I want to graduate or be a nobody and its looking like im going to quit my job just so that I can be happy later. It's hard because I... Added on Friday, February 8, 2013 - 12:05, with 0 comment(s)


Honda Lovers Like Me!!!!! | Something that I have been interested in learning more about has been building Hondas and the motors in them. I remember my friends with their Hondas talking about what they are going to add to their... Added on Friday, February 22, 2013 - 14:13, with 0 comment(s)


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