Super Blogger
Super Blogger


Philani Mbeje

Sharing Knowledge is the only way to go forth as a people. I have been blogging on and off for quite a while but that is just usually because of not having the perfect topic for me to blog about. With the topics i sam engaging in with open learning, I have again found a passion; sharing my found knowledge with everyne for everyone. i have learned that in order to even consider being a blogger, one must first have something to blog about and that has been a very deep lesson for me and i have found a space for that; documenting my experience in open learning for everyone to benefit from.

This badge would great because I have shown a liking towards blogging with many social sites that i make my thoughts known but this particular blog is where i must focus my journey on. I have experienced things that only someone who has blogged for a while can experience.

 A superblogger is someone with the drive to communicate with people who they most likely will never meet and I am such a person.

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