Course Syllabus

  1. Introduction to HELE and Entrepreneurship:
    Historical background of HELE
    Teaching methods/strategies
    Safety measures

  2. Entrepreneur and Enterprise:
    Basic terms
    Historical background Importance of entrepreneurship
    Qualities/Characteristic of an entrepreneur

  3. Philippine Economy:
    Role of entrepreneur in economic development
    Development and growth theories in economy
    The government and entrepreneur
    Macro and micro entrepreneurship
    Phases of business cycle

  4. Sustainable development of human well-being Sustainable development Government, business, and industries Individual, families, and communities

  5. Planning, organizing, and managing the enterprise:
    Theories in management
    Management tasks/functions Developing the business plan
    Organizing the enterprise Product development and marketing Cost accounting
    Financial management Business communication Technology in business/e-commerce

  6. Home Economics Related Occupations:
    Project planning


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