EXTRA: Innovation project

We have now concluded the main part of the course. The remaining time can be spent on catching up but also reflecting on your learning and/or focusing on a specific innovation project.

You will have the opportunity to reflect on the course, what you have learnt about creativity for learning in higher education and where this is taking you, Explore opportunities to share your reflections with others and identify appropriate publication opportunities.

If you are working on an innovation project, you will have the opportunity to discuss plans for this, its implementation and evaluation. You can do this in an action learning set, with a study buddy or on your own. You will also be able to consider action research or another approach you are familiar with as an evaluation strategy for your project.


  1. Look back the course. Capture your milestones and eureka moments.

  2. Familiarise yourself with action research as a possible evaluation strategy for your innovation project. Study Action Research for Professional Development.

3. Have a look at some other innovative pedagogic projects in your discipline/professional area. What do you notice?

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

By the end of this section, you will have had the opportunity to:

  1. Reflect on your learning journey and the value this course had on you as a creative practitioner
  2. Discuss your action plan, including evaluation strategies with peersr
  3. Review your innovation plan/reflective summary and prepare for action

Suggested readings

  1. Jackson, N. (2013) Tackling the wicket problem of creativity in higher education, Lifewide Education, available at http://www.normanjackson.co.uk/uploads/1/0/8/4/10842717/_tackling_the_wicked_problem.pdf

  2. The Imaginative Curriculum wiki at http://imaginativecurriculumnetwork.pbworks.com/w/page/19802613/FrontPage

  3. Kember, D. and Gow, L. (1992) Action research as a form of staff development in higher education, in: Higher Education, April 1992, Volumen 23, Issue 3, pp. 297-310, available at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF00145018


1-ILO1- Study the following presentation and use as a trigger for discussion around action research. Capture your thoughts in your portfolio.

Getting started with action research with Dr Chris Smith and Chrissi Nerantzi from Chrissi Nerantzi

2-ILO2- Watch the following clip and then reflect on your ideas with peers.

3-ILO3- Reflect on your action plan after the discussion you had with your peers and make any changes you feel are necessary to strengthen your plan. Create an animation to capture what you are going to do. This will become a useful resource and form part of your evaluation.


Continue working on your project and reflect regularly on the progress you are making. Continue working with colleagues were possible and organise regular meetings. Find out more about Action Learning and also Making Groups Work.


Use your smartphone/tablet to create a visual artefact of your action plan. Use the camera to create still or moving images or use an app to make an animation.


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