Thesis IX Proposal: Playing the Devil's Advocate

Entry On 1/30/2015 Previous Update 2/7/2015 Next to Last Update 07/14/2015 Last Update 08/29/2015


To begin with, this thesis is for educational and entertainment purposes only. That being said, all readers who dare to read on, especially the good ole christian bible thumpers, please be reassured that this is well-researched, written within reason and good humour. Some parts may be offensive-in-nature, but one should remember that the truth doesn't always smell good. So towards that end, just try to be a lil' open-minded and relax... take a breather... and have a hearty good laugh.

Part 0. How We All Role-Play: On Hats, Masks, and Batons

Part I. Why the "PC Master Race" Will Rule the World

  • "Those Who Do Not Remember the Past are Condemned to Relive It" -Santayana

  • From year to year we all relive the holocaust, remembering the atrocities and heroism of those who stood against it but no one is talking about the context (nothing that I'm aware of at least), that is, the intellectual roots of the third reich which gave rise to the nazi party. We should all come to the realization that it was the writings of philosophers, historians, and teachers; and scriptings & actings of playwrights and performers which motivated the spread of such ideological extremism/hatred among the Germans who then in turn lashed out at others. (Shirer, 1960)

  • However Shirer observed and noted only the mythos and logos roots of the nazis. I believe it's also worthy to point out the pathos and ethos aspects as well. I will undertake such an attempt and outline in the following not only the rhetoric of the nazis but also of the possible party-to-come (P2C). It is purely speculative on my part, but interesting none the less.

A. Nazi Party

i. Mythos: The Works of Playwright Richard Wagner

  • Nibelungelied:
  • Nibelungen Ring:
  • Tristan und Isolde:

ii. Logos: The Works of Philosophers

  • The State is the highest revelation of the "world spirit"; it is the "moral universe"; it is "the actuality of the ethical idea... ethical mind... knowing and thinking itself"; the State " has the supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the State... for the right of the world spirit is above all, special privileges..." -Hegel

  • "Martial glory is the basis of all the political virtues... it is a jewel as precious as the masterpieces of our poets and thinkers... to play blindly with peace... has become the shame of the thought and morality of our age." -Treitschke

B. Party-to-Come (P2C)

i. Mythos: The Works of Playwright Terrance Zdunich

ii. Logos: The Works of Philosophers

  • To be determined...

Part II. Oh Where Oh Where, Art Thou, Oh Anti-Christ?

  • Is the Anti-Christ Hiding Behind a Mask?
  • How to Identify the Anti-Christ: Ask Yourself... Does this fellow fit the profile type?
  • Keep a Lookout for Signs and definitely Miracles... these are key factors... in other words, does this being, "walk the talk?"

Part III. How the Anti-Christ Will Wage War Against Denominational Christians (as opposed to Inter-Faith)

  • Will openly challenge all christian (whether inter-faith or denominational) peers (scholars, elders, congregrational members) for world dialogue & debate concerning socio-economic/politico-legal corruption and transparency
  • Will write a thesis concerning the top ten reasons why the majority of U.S. American christian parents are apathetic and beyond stupid
  • Will poke fun at christians by singing "If you're christian and you're stupid clap your hands"... 'clap clap' and touting "Oh where is your Savior? The one to save you from world chaos and misery in which we all now wade? And what of your captains, whom you've elected, who stand idly by, who do nothing to circumvent, the surges ahead?"

Part IV. How the Anti-Christ Will Win over the Hearts and Minds of the Elite and the Masses

  • Metaphorically speaking, the anti-christ will engineer, construct, and eventually co-ordinate a fleet of ships which can sail the coming high seas; his favorite saying, "We're All in this Boat Together".

Part V. How the Anti-Christ Will Then Rise to Power and Steal the U.S. American Presidential Election

Part VI. Once in Office from Afar, How the Anti-Christ will Force Everyone to Take His Mark, that is, Nation-Wide Mandates for composting their own Human Manure (White, 2001)


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