Addendum: A Theory on Learning Environment Structure Types

Entry On 09-09-2015


As the basis I use Use Figure 3-1 in Amit Goswami's Work, pg.45 from Ch.3: "A Brief History of Philosophies that Guide Human Societies"... which pulls from Ken Wilbur's Work, "Integral Theory". However I add two dynamics to Amit's conservation which I believe, ties it all together- that is, the basic elements of language and spirit. Furthermore I portray this in graphical form so that anyone can grasp this concept with ease.

Secondly, I then apply this concept to "learning-and-working environments" so as to give learners the ability to-measure-integrity without much difficulty, depending of course, upon how complex-the-situation is.

Part I. The Basics of Society

A. The Basics of Human Consciousness -Figure 3.1

i. I ii. IT iii. I, You, We iv. ITS

B. The Basics of Human Language -P.E.L.M.

i. the animal element (passions) ii. the human element (appetites) iii. the robot element (boundaries) iv. the G*d element (imaginations)

C. The Basics of Spirit

i. For Everything ii. For Nothing iii. Against Nothing but Not For Everything iv. Against Something and For Something

D. The Integrated Integral Theory -An Integration of the four quadrants of Consciousness

Part II. Learning Environment Basics (See Ch. 3 of "God is Not Dead")

E. Situational Creativity -this is the concept of,

"I think, therefore I Am"

which leads to,

"thinking inside the box"

which sums up as,

"Problem, Reaction, Solution"

or in other words,

"We are, therefore I Be"

F. Fundamental Creativity -this is the concept of,

"I choose, therefore I Am"

which leads to,

"blah blah blah"

which sums up as,

"bleep-e-tee blop blam"

or in other words,

"I Be, therefore We Are"

Part III. The LE Structure Types

Again, I'm now at-a-point in which to go any further would be getting into the esotoric, which in my opinion, should-not-be shared with the-general-public as they-are-roses that I keep very close, to-my-heart. The good news however, is that I seriously doubt that I'm the only-one-aware of such things and I'm even willing to bet, that is, to put-money-down, that there are entire societies-at-small that dedicate their entire studies into such topics-of-interest... but anyway, this is all the guidance I'm willing-to-share and hope that this course has been a blessing to at least a few folks-out-here in the wild, wild west. Until next time... ... ... O2


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