
welcome to jesmion, the definition of jesmion is all about one who loves jesus=yashua=messaiah, jesmion was constructed by jesmion himself, during when jesmion loves jesus very much was when he created jesmion as his nick name he loves, jesmion look unto jesus as he created his name jesmion, meaning: jesus my own: jes-mi-on=jes-mi-own, minus 'w' to shorten it: jes-mi-on=jesmion, have you ever seen one who loves too much? he's jesmion, now you have idea of what is jesmion and how it was created:, [week: 1/2 = jesmion a name of jesmion constructed,[week: 2/3 = jesmion a name derived from 'jesus',[week: 3/4 = jesmion a name constructed by 'jesmion' [week: 4/5 = jesmion loves jesus very much, [week: 5/6 = jesmion is a nick-name of jesmion, [week: 6/0 = jesmion a son of God]: in spirit visited the catholic clergies and seeing how they are doing, they are all trying to do like i jesmion, because they have seen i Jesmion and the hardship i have endured, and i Jesmion have seen reasons they dont marry, because children of married one can join the enemies against their parent because devil can use them in times of difficulties, they can be easily to be used by the devil, although badmeat gave police money to put l Jesmion a son of living God in police custody because of injuries which badmeat and his wife inflicted on i Jesmion, and a son of Jesmion injured badmeat, but after badmeat had given police money to put i Jesmion in a police custody with my sustained injuries,on the following morning i Jesmion was taken to the general hospital suleja, after that i was bailled by the civil liberties organization, 'clo' and somany hardship i have endured, in spirit had made the catholic world and their bishops made me their master,


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