Final Task- Peer Feedback using Badges

Each group should meet at least once before the end of the year (31.12.2013). During the online meeting (e.g. Skype, Google Hangout) students should present their challenges and what they personally did to achieve this challenge. Students will then go on to discuss criteria for assessment of the challenges that were assigned to them for assessment and agree upon at least three criteria for each challenge (a total of at least 6 badges per group).

After the online meeting each student will design the badges using the tool called ** The badges should be posted as comments bellow the challenge, To upload the badge you simply click on "Upload image". Students should also explain, in detail, the reason for awarding the badge as well as the criteria they based it upon.

**The tool will allow you to build, save and download the badge you designed. You can choose different shapes, icons and banners to make your badge look good, but most importantly you should provide a badge text, which explains what the badge is about, e.g. "Well researched", "innovative" , "answers a need" etc. We will give you a short tutorial and examples of badges (including criteria) next week.

All badges should be designed and uploaded to P2PU by January 8th.


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