This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

A Look at Open Video - Part Two [March 8, 2013, 11:27 a.m.]

The second part of our course leaves behind some of the end user technologies on open video takes a deeper look at the video frameworks, command line approaches, and web implementations of video. It is aimed to be of use to software developers who are new to this area. 

We feel that it also has a great opportunity to map some of the key issues, advantages and short coming of the use of open video technologies in a developer context.

Navigating this part of the course is not as straight forward as part one. It is not as directed and the task are more more open ended. You may want to do a lot of additional reading to really get to the bottom of the challenges and technologies that we begin to explore. 

We are at the beginning of shaping this course. As such we invite you to take an active role in correcting, and guiding the contents you see in the following tasks. If you are a developer or have a role in the documentation of a particular video framework, tool or approach we invite you to contact us to contribute a task for course participants.

Going Deeper

While we have created a badge for this part of the course the guidelines for awarding the badge are flexible. We feel we can be generous in awarding this badge as an incentive for involvement. As such if it will be awarded for "Making a significant contribution, correction to the look at open video course. Or showing commitment in demonstrating your learning outcomes from the course". 

So let's go deeper into open video. Come on in the code is waiting for you!