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Reflections and Sharing [April 19, 2012, 3:32 a.m.]

Friday and Saturday groups can work to complete their machinima.  Remember to keep it simple and fun.  On __________ we will have the REVEAL!

Red Carpet event At the Gaity Theatre -


in Second Life at _____ - invite your friends to the MOOC Machinima Premier.  This will be a time to celebrate the successes and reflect on the process - perhaps start thinking of next steps.  Remember that the purpose is to learn, improve our practice and better support our students.

Consider your students:

  • What did you learn from this week that may change the way you work with students?
  • What skills (technical an non-technical) will your students need prior to participating in a machinima project?
  • What skills do you need to work on for yourself as an educator in using this stategy with students?

I'll bring the popcorn!