This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

What's Next..... [April 17, 2012, 11:16 a.m.]


Well, we absolutely found that Google + works for 9 people - 8 in WoW and 1 in Second Life.

We started after a large conference and that seems to be a great trigger event to continue the discussion, get additional speakers and just learn more.

We also found we call ourselves MOOCers.

So where do we go from here?

The guild Cognitive Dissonance on the Ally side would be more than happy for us to organize discussions through vent one night a week on broad tech or education topics. Or it cold be bi-monthly. Or monthly. This cool be a cool collaboration whether you are playing WoW or in for the conversation. 

Do we consider a warm-up and a wrap-up to the 5th annual Federal Consortium for Virutal Worlds Conference  Perhaps inviting Bev and Lyr back for their take on the conference?

The ISTE happens Jun 23 - 27

There are a few of MOOCers who will be going. And there are a few of the Cog Dis guild who are going to include our "Guild Elder" Peggy Sheehy who opening the conference with Mario Armstrong. 

To Be continued....





Our scheduled or semi-scheduled things are below:

Tuesday - ISTE SIGVE Interview

5 pm SL
SLEEC Island

Topic discussion:

Will be discussing Self-Study, ISTE Machinima Fest
and ......possibly a Machinima Challenge or OOC thru P2P
and.......possibly a ARG challenge or OOC that is ready for ISTE 



EVE Online Tour II- TBD but obviously within the next 10 days

Wrap-Up, Dance, Music, etc - TBD

Rally Point in Second Life - Front Range