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Week 1 - Narrative [May 8, 2012, 3:30 a.m.]

This Tuesday - May 7, 2012 7pm-slt in Second Life on Front Range.

Bluebarker Lowtide will be going over Narrative Structure and Character Developement for use in education and in an alternate reality game(ARG).

Narrative Structure is an important part of Story Composition. An ARG is an eleaborate story that needs the right kind of planning to make it engaging enough for your students and allows for the interconnectivity that our Technology Native students desire.

For the first half of the discussion, we will be talking about narrative, some examples, what are the 9 elements of Narrative and how to address a Narrative component into your lesson teaching. This is a tool that can be utilized for every kind of curriculum from science to history and middle school to higher education. Brainstorming techniqes will also be discused. There will be a quick 5 minute video on the importance of visual storytelling and how you can draw insipration from multiple different sources and not just educational spheres.

We will break for 5-10 minutes, questions may be asked here and the slides will be available for dowload off of Slideshare if you desire. There will be also time at the end of second half for more questions. 

For the second half of the discussion, we will be talking about characters and their development in the ARG. A quick exercise on writing a character biography using characterization points. You can post what you write on this discussion board as well as thoughts, questions and expansion upon the lesson. We will also be going over Jung's Archetypes and how they can be utilized in an ARG as well as adressing the roles of non-playable characters(NPCs) and how they help the ARG along. Lastly we will briefly go over meta-sociology and the possible progression of the cyber society within your ARG. Remember most ARGs are considered to be TINAG meaning "this-is-not-a-game" and will imitate the real world and they, more often than not, spring a life of their own.

If we have time to spare and don't mind staying over the hour, I will be happy to stay after for more questions. Thank you very much for participating in this discussion. We should have it recorded and up within no time, so please keep looking at back here for the video link.