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Week 1 - Intro to Alternate Reality Games [May 8, 2012, 2:30 a.m.]

Here are a few Blogs and articles to get us started on the discussion on Alternative Reality Games:


Aevalle--It’s really not a single blog post nor article, but I stumbled across ARGnet a little while ago and that has a lot of stuff about newsworthy ARGs, how to play them, etc. in it.  ARGology’s FAQ area might also clear some things up for folks (

Abacus: Was looking for a site this morning and found: also found this from Jane McGonigal:

Jerry: The article I’ve had the most opportunity to study has been the Wikipedia entry for ARGs:  I still think it’s a good primer on the topic, covering basic definition, terminology, concepts, comparisons with other entertainment/gaming activities, basic design, etc.

Kae: I’m hoping I’m not stealing this from Grid - I saw she tweeted it. I am actually stealing this from Gray Mills. Alternate Reality Games: Daily Narratives Turn Into Interactive Cross-Media Games (Part I) I think it fits our group since we have a number of people who have looked at other games and virtual worlds.