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Two: Carracci & Bernini [May 2, 2011, 3:20 p.m.]

Our second task involves reading texts and listening to/watching lectures that provide further discussion of the Italian Baroque, looking at two important artists: Carracci and Bernini. Please review the information listed below to get an overview.

Visit the webpages listed under "External Links" for information on Carracci and Bernini, beginning with "Web Gallery of Art, Annibale Carraci" and concluding with "Smarthistory, Bernini's Cathedra Petri."  Also visit Social History of Art, Essays by Period (the first listed link).  Read all materials and watch/listen to all audio-visual material.  For the relevant reading material on Social History of Art, download and read the essay entitled "Baldwin Carracci's Farnese Ceiling."