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Registering Students and Adding Them as Members [Feb. 5, 2012, 3:17 p.m.]

  • First thing, of course, is that you have to register. Then let us know that you want to add students by emailing or Post a Comment to this Task or Post a Message on our course wall. We'll give you access to Admin pages you need to add and to manage your students's accounts.
  • Each user of Youth Voices must have a unique email address. You need to either collect your students' email addresses and make some decisions about usernames.
    • Many of us who use Youth Voices also use Google Apps for Education which allows you to provide students with a standard gmail address and Docs and more.
    • Other teachers prefer students to have their own Google accounts.
    • Another option is to use one Google account and add each student with a +student's Username before after your username and before the @ sign, similar to what Sue Waters suggests here: 
    • Please use a simple name-based option for usernames. We suggest that you use whatever username standard your school might already be using for other projects.
      • Some use First Name+Last Initial
      • Others prefer First Initial+Last Name
      • Still others add the graduation year (eg. 15+First Name+Last Initial)
  • Once you figure out the email situation, you can start adding students by putting them in under Admin Options / Add users 


  • Once students are registered on the site, you have to go back to Admin Options, click the box next to each name, go to Bulk Operations, and click "Add to Member Role." Then students can post discussions and they will have access to their profile pages.