This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Let us organize [Feb. 12, 2013, 4:51 a.m.]

In this interview Philip Schmidt is discussing what p2pu is and the vision of the project. It´s quite interesting and usefull when we plan the study group.

Be an organizer

This is not a traditional class at high school or college. We search knowledge together and we plan our study group together. Please feel free to discuss how and what we shall learn.

Synchronous online meeting

I think it will help our learning a lot if we meet live once a week. It´s a easy way to ask questions and plan our efforts. One hour meeting is ok, or what do you say?

  • 17/2 at 9 pm CET, 3 pm EST, 12 am PST

Please add yourself to this document if you like to join us

I suggest that we use the chat in the google doc. I think it´s easiest. Though, I would like to test G+ Hang Out as well. Check this out:

And if you can´t join us on sunday. Please write questions or thoughts you want us to discuss in the comment field below.