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Crush it! Last-minute tips for your final project [Aug. 4, 2011, 5:42 p.m.]

Hey guys, just some last minute tips and inspiration while you are finishing up your projects. Although the deadline is this Friday, we've decided to give you an extension (if you need it) until the following Monday.


  • Grab us with your idea!
  • In one to two minutes (or less), “show and sell” us your product idea
  • Include info about who you are, what your concept is, why it's unique, useful and how it works. 
What format should you use?
  • Record a video and post it on youtube or vimeo.
  • Upload a slideshow and accompanying audio ( / Slidecast).


What's in a good pitch?

Google News (video):

Why we think this is a good pitch:

  • It clarifies the problem and the solution early in the pitch
  • It shows why Google News is important/useful, instead of telling
  • It uses concrete, relatable examples 
  • Mock-ups are simple enough to understand at first glance, but detailed enough to suggest their real functionality


Dropbox (screencast):

Why we think this is a good pitch:

  • Speaker identifies himself, the problem DropBox solves, and what makes DropBox different in about 10 seconds. 
  • Screencast is readable in video resolution
  • Visual example of platapus is humorous, specific, relatable



This is a recent successful software project on Kickstarter.

Why we think this is a good pitch:

  • Starts with key insight in 1 sentence: "If voting were easier, people would do it!"
  • Identifies the problem early on and makes it relatable with specific details, surprising figures
  • Includes motion, emphasis, and exciting visuals to communicate ideas
  • Consise description of how the product solves the main problem. No feature sets, elaboration here!
  • The whole video is under 2 minutes

More to come... and suggest your own!