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Progress Check on Tasks 1 and 2 [Nov. 8, 2011, 11:32 p.m.]

So far we've posted 2 improv games and would like to get your feedback. Have you tried them with your children? If yes, how did it go? If no, why not? If we don't hear from you (via comments), then we have no way of learning from your successes or helping you with your obstacles. 

Posting feedback is real simple. In the course window ( open a task you want to comment on and click "Post a Comment". You can also reply to others' comments. 

But what if you didn't like the games suggested in the first 2 tasks? Ok, no problem. You can find other games and modify them. We have a collection of games here. The key in this course is not so much to play a particular game, but to try and modify the existing games to better suit your child's interests and learning style. 

So choose a game you'd like to play and try playing it big or small. Create (or print) math art related to the game and tape it above your child's bed (or you can laminate it for a cool placemat). 

By the way, check out our blog for more ideas for advanced early math games to play this week.