This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Web Connect sessions on Wed.

We'll be having webinars as a part of the group on Wednesday evenings at 8pm Eastern time.

March 7, 8pm Eastern - link to session (on BigBlueButton, no advanced sign up required)
Tentative topics: Intro to P2PU and peer learning, each of our goals for this group, professional development and personal learning habits
Facilitated by Karen Fasimpaur and Paul Oh


Attendance was a little low at this session, but we had a great conversation. Unfortunately, the recording got messed up...but here's what we did:

March 14, 8pm Eastern - We're going to do this on Skype; email Karen (karen at k12opened dot com) your Skype address
Tentative topics: Agency in our learning
Facilitated by Cindy Minnich


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(The disembodied voice is Paul Oh. :)

March 21, 8pm Eastern - We're going to do this on Google +; Hangout will be set up by Joe Dillon
Tentative topics: Entry points and next steps
Facilitated by Joe Dillon


[embed:Invalid Url]

Task Discussion

  • Paul Oh   March 21, 2012, 5:04 p.m.

    HI all ... Unfortunately, something has come up and I'm not going to be able to make the google hangout tonight. I'll catch the recording!

  • Jonas Backelin   March 8, 2012, 2:39 a.m.


    I'm on UTC+2 hours and will probably also rely on recordings, during "Week 2 - Agency in our own learning" I've voulonteered as Co-facilitator and are available for individual or group sessions on Skype or Googe+ 


  • Liz Renshaw   March 7, 2012, 11:16 p.m.

    Hope to catch the next meeting. Will be listening to the recording to catch up.

    Regards LIz