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In this task we will look back at the subjects in this challenge


If you've sucessfully completed the previous challenge you should have downloaded three "csv" files. We'll use them in our second novice challenge to do some basic data "wrangling" with it.

Let's look back on this challenge. First we talked about asking and finding questions to drive your data wrangling. We identified one question that can be answered fairly simple. The question we decided to answer in this set of challenges is "How much money would you own if your countries debt was divided equally in the population and how does it compare to other countries?"

In the second task we talked about finding data. We identified a couple of data sources including the one we need to access.

In the third task we navigated through the databank interface of the worldbank, and downloaded the data we'll need to proceed in the challenge. At this point you should have downloaded three CSV files for debt, GDP (in US$) and population each.

What were the major obstacles you hit? What can be improved in this challenge? Let us know in the Comments!

Task Discussion

  • thorne said:

    The major issue is that the World Bank interface keeps changing, so the how-to was a little hard to follow. But I figured it out, so thanks!

    on June 13, 2014, 1:06 p.m.