Learn anything, with your peers.

At P2PU, people work together to learn a particular topic by completing tasks, assessing individual and group work, and providing constructive feedback.

This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at community.p2pu.org if that is a problem.

    posted message: I am embarking on research around using digital badges to document soft skills developed by students during their studies. This seems like a good place to start my research.
    04 Aug 2013 via courses.p2pu.org
    posted message: Hello. I'm new to the P2PU and thought this challenge would be a good start in understanding the concept. I don't now if this was the forum were we are supposed to participate, but if not i'll probably find it with your help.
    15 Mar 2013 via courses.p2pu.org
    posted message: Sorry, am I missing a step? How do I complete this challenge? I completed all the tasks, and submitted my documentation but how do I "get" my badge?
    07 Feb 2013 via courses.p2pu.org
    posted message: Hello everyone- just a reminder for those participating in/who have participated in 101 What are Open Badges? There are 3 submissions waiting for reviewers. Please pop in if you have time so we can get these folks their badges. :)
    31 Jan 2013 via courses.p2pu.org
    posted message: Hello everyone. I have updated Badges 101: What are Open Badges? a bit since its development last year. I updated the graphics to match the new scheme we are laying out for School of Badges (http://leahmacvie.com/category/projseries/badges/). In the updating, I realized I could condense some of the tasks into one and delete the previous tasks. I put the previous conversations into a Google doc for folks to reference if they needed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17pLbQvYh6TwdP7rKfbjWxgZqv09WEt2_1-bsOvjsWhI/edit Thanks for your continued encouragement and participation. Please email me with any questions: leah@leahmacvie.com
    28 Jan 2013 via courses.p2pu.org
    posted message: Starting to implement Open Badges for my Game Design class. Blogpost here - http://wp.me/pCBpt-kZ
    21 Dec 2012 via courses.p2pu.org
    posted message: Hi, Leah. I guess I earned my badge (thanks to Richard and Andrea and Leah for reviewing!). However, if I was notified about completion, I did not see it in the email. More importantly, I'm really having trouble adding it to my backpack. I've added 3 other badges, but don't seem to be able to load this one. Thanks.
    posted message: Hi all, I just wanted to check in. I know I have been absent from the boards. I have been working hard- going back to school and, more importantly, on developing more courses for our upcoming School of Open Badges (read more here). Keep up the great work!
    posted message: Hello, I'm intrigued and wary. A higher ed institution I work at as an Instructional Designer is exploring MOOCs (who isn't?), which has led to a proposed visit to Mozilla, which has led me to explore badges. This course caught my eye: As a critical thinking English teacher I decided to practice what I preach to my students; open your mind and learn about a topic, then develop a logical response based on reliable sources. Onward!
    22 Oct 2012 via courses.p2pu.org
    posted message: Don't forget to submit your final projects to receive your Open Badges 101 official badge!
    07 Aug 2012 via courses.p2pu.org
    posted message: Forgive me if my question is sophomoric, but I'm fairly new to P2PU; which badge can I earn by taking this course? Wouldn't it seem logical that the Open Badges course awards you a badge in the end? It wasn't immediately clear if there was a badge for successfully completing this course.
    posted message: How do I save this badge task (and can you tell me the appropriate term for talking about this activity :)..
    posted message: Please post an questions you have here in the discussions area!
    28 Feb 2012 via courses.p2pu.org

Badges you can earn in this challenge:

Helpful Feedback Badge

Peers who have offered their help

Peter Rawsthorne Leah MacVie Amir Rahbaran María Brendan Cheryl Michael Henry Ed Jones Andres Solis Annie ToddF Amy Francesco Malagrino' John Martin, aka EdVentures Billy Meinke opencontent

Peers taking this challenge

Gael SparKi Alex rcmbr alexhascodex Juan Melissa Londenberg sacrophyte sznattila leducduyen mickael Lixxx235 Lauren fred Fred Kloppie5 Paul Cline luiiisHdezLazaro badger Sam Taylor Julian Prior Jamie rai3t Wendy pmarlair Luci Gary Natasa wlkrause Tom Miller Kerstin Namuth Jennifer Stayc QueuedLearning Dianne Leigh Owens PamelaR Stranjyr Fernando Possebon Leslie Steve GoldenEye Photography & Web Development Pankaj Agrawal Stephen G Sandra Dyke janzeteachesit Julio jruhfus KQuinn cvaufrey stogr Ltheri Kingdom Omar Benkacem Rodney Hargis Digitizer Dan

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