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Full Description

The goal of this class was (and is I suppose) to take a look at how Art might benefit from Philosophy: by examining how various major thinkers broke out from the patterns of their day to accomplish something absolutely new, methods of creativity that might transcend individual fields of discourse were discovered and conveyed. We looked at the ideas that drove folks like Rene Descartes, Friedrich Nietzsche, John Dewey and Michel Foucault (and more!) to create something that was utterly unlike anything the world had ever seen, and then sought ways to generalize their methods for the world beyond the halls of pure philosophy. This course simultaneously served as a general introduction to the history of philosophy, an art theory seminar, and a barrel of laughs. While the embers have died down for now (our current efforts are being devoted to a look at how schizoanalysis and the rhizome idea of Deleuze and Guattari came into being and took over the Art World over at What Philosophers Can Do For Artists...) there's plenty here to take a look at, and while some of the presentations might not stand entirely on their own feet (we don't have video of he actual lectures that accompanied the slide shows) you can always email the creator if something you see here perks your interest. Questions, comments and general confusion can be directed at

Task Discussion