Lesson 1 - Basic Computer Anatomy

  • This is the monitor (how it works add) The monitor is the screen thing. There are three main different types of monitors. The older ones were called Cathode-Ray Tube (CRT) monitors like the ones you saw in televisions before all this flat-panel stuff came out. The screen was made out of glass, and the whole monitor was kinda bulky. There's also the Liquid-Crystal Display ones that are popular now which are the ones where if you poke the screen, it'll move and you're really not supposed to do that because it can cause problems like. They are made using panels of. On the inside is. There are also touch screens which also have panels, and they all work in different ways and we'll get into that later. Here is a page troubleshooting screen problems that I had to visit for my sister's dead laptop, and that's very funny. Monitors are really important so take care of yours. Her computer is fine, but since she can't see anything her laptop has become immobile. She can still connect another monitor to it, but she won't really be able to travel with her laptop until she fixes or replaces that specific monitor. Attached/etc.

  • This is the computer unit thing (explain CPUs) This is the actual computer. The monitor is just the screen, it doesn't work. The computer is the box. Central Processing Unit.

  • This is the keyboard (don't even get keyboards) Yeah. input. powered by pc.

  • This is the mouse (maybe explain how mouses work all quick) input, optics, lasers, etc. powered by pc.

maybe they belong in the same section.

  • Laptops and Computers and etc, different kinds, where they are, etc, maybe math

  • This is the printer (produces hard-copies?) laser etc, different kinds, we'll get into that

  • They all connect using [wires] and are powered this way yum, color coded, organization tips, electrocution hazards

  • The wires for x is y

  • The reason the wires are all different is q. The mouse and keyboard one look the same but/coz t. The newer ones have this, the older ones had this.

  • This is the back of the computer unit thing. All these things are ports, on cards, that connect to the motherboard. Sorta highlight which ones are which using colors. Sounds ports = sound card, network ports = network cards.

Maybe the details () I explain later to not confuse. Optional in-depth lessons. Work with what they know and expand on it easy-like and simply.

Watch this, read this, quiz here (link)


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