XBee in linux

First thing is to add your user to the dialout group:

jbarcelo@jbarcelo-ThinkPad-Edge-E130:~$ sudo adduser ${USER} dialout
[sudo] password for jbarcelo: 
Adding user `jbarcelo' to group `dialout' ...
Adding user jbarcelo to group dialout

After that, logout and login for the changes to take effect.

Then I downloaded the ubuntu package of "moltosenso iron" from their webpage www.moltosenso.com . The packet manager complained about the packet being defective but I installed it anyway.

It's time to connect your XBee using an USB adapter.

Next step is to launch moltosenso

jbarcelo@jbarcelo-ThinkPad-Edge-E130:~$ moltosenso_network_manager_iron 

Then click on the "scan" button, the "open button" and accept the popup menu to open the port.

At this point, moltosenso will detect the device if everything went well.

moltosenso detects the device

Select the device and accept the popup menu. On the upper part of the screen two tabs become available: "Node Settings" and "Terminal".

moltosenso shows settings and terminal tabs

We click on the "Node Settings" tab and select the address of our node that starts with 13a200. Now we can see the configuration of the node.

moltosenso node configuration

Let's try the software update feature.

Baud Rate = 9600
Flow Control = none
Data Bits = 8 
Parity = None
Stop Bits = 1


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