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Now write your own definition of 'digital badges'

Start from your goals and from a convenient classification of badges.

Formulate a working definition of badges that point attention to what matters for your project.

Make it public somehow, and share it in a comment.



'Digital badges are...

Task Discussion

  • Peter Pasque said:

    This article is a work in progress and outlines what we mean by badging at our High School.  Sure, we link to a lot of great articles about the topic, but this is a brief description of what we mean when we speak of Badges.

    I look forward to feedback on this brief article.


    on June 4, 2013, 2:56 p.m.
  • Dennis Viehland said:

    Digital badges more than just the recognition of informal learning or a skill. Why not encapsulate traditional degrees into badges with links to academic transcripts so we don't have to push paper around, pay $10-35 for a transcript each time we apply for a job, etc. On the other end, less valuable badges can be awarded for having an interest in something, winning a race, or accomplishing almost everything. We should have a world full of badges. 

    on Feb. 9, 2013, 8:55 p.m.

    Peter Pasque said:

    I agree with you Dennis, that Badges are starting to challenge the traditional paradigm of who can be a "credit" awarding institution and can recognize others for their learning.  Hopfully, collections of badges can compete with traditional transcripts and be more robust.  

    Not that you are saying this, but I do struggle with replacing grades and traditional transcripts with Badges as I don't want to get locked into re-creating a system that many consider broken. 

    on June 4, 2013, 3:02 p.m. in reply to Dennis Viehland