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Writing - Notice and Investigate

Analyze the important parts of your sources and draw conclusions about them.

Add “quote sandwhiches” to your writing. Introduce, insert, and interpret three or more quotations from this week’s sources (Text-Dependent Research). Add these to your Doc. Revise, proofread, spell-check, cite, and link to the original source.

Use the Guide from Youth Voices: Adding Quotations

Below are four more versions of the same idea.

Take a look at these, then do it yourself. Add at least three transcriptions and citations from your dialectial notes from your Text-Dependent Research.

When you have finished adding at least three transcriptions and citations into your writing get more feedback from your peers and your teacher. Copy this third or fourth draft of your argument from your Google Doc and paste it into a comment here (on this P2PU task), then click Yes, I'm done 



Follow this link to a PowerPoint: How to Make a Quote Sandwich.



--M. Harutunian, College of the Canyons

Probably not the most appetizing dish ever created, the quote sandwich nevertheless serves a very useful purpose: It helps tie evidence to the main point or thesis. The quote sandwich begins with a very basic ingredient--and introduction:

The introduction is like the top layer of a sandwich; it helps to organize the whole mess. In the introduction to a quote, the writer provides some context and background for the quote. Here is an example:

In discussing the role of movies in shaping the American public's view of the Vietnam War, H. Bruce Franklin makes this telling statement:

Notice that the introduction to this quote gives the reader quite a bit of information. It tells who the quote is by and what its context is.

Once the quote has been introduced, it's time to give the actual quote itself. An important point to remember when quoting is that the quotation marks need to be nearly ignored for punctuation purposes. Read your sentences without the quotation marks. If they don't need punctuation, they will not need them with the quotation marks. Let's see the actual quote now:

In discussing the role of movies in shaping the American public's view of the Vietnam War, H. Bruce Franklin makes this telling statement: "The manipulation of familiar images [about the war]... was blatant, though most critics at the time seemed oblivious to it" (Franklin 860).

In this case the quote is set off by a colon. If it were not, the quote would not begin with a capital letter. Also, note the use of the brackets part way through the quote. The brackets announce either an addition or a change in the quoted material. Here they've been used to clarify the images. Finally, note the use of ellipses (...) to mark deleted materials.

Once the quote is completed, its significance must be explained. Let us say that our main point for this essay was that the media created the public's perception of America's wars. Having given the quote, we would now explain how the quote supports the point:

In discussing the role of movies in shaping the American public's view of the Vietnam War, H. Bruce Franklin makes this telling statement: "The manipulation of familiar images [about the war]... was blatant, though most critics at the time seemed oblivious to it." The manipulation of these images created an image in the minds of most Americans, who now pictured helicopters, the music of Wagner and the Doors, and Russian roulette as substitutes for the reality of the war. The media created a different Vietnam in the minds of Americans.

Note that the explanation for the quote ties it specifically to the unifying element for the essay--the media creates the public's perception of America's wars.

There you have it; one bona fide all-American quote sandwich:

In discussing the role of movies in shaping the American public's view of the Vietnam War, H. Bruce Franklin makes this telling statement: "The manipulation of familiar images [about the war]... was blatant, though most critics at the time seemed oblivious to it." The manipulation of these images created an image in the minds of most Americans, who now pictured helicopters, the music of Wagner and the Doors, and Russian roulette as substitutes for the reality of the war. The media created a different Vietnam in the minds of Americans.

Bon Apetit!


Task Discussion

  • chappelle said:


    I'm learning more about Abraham Lincoln right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is Did Lincoln Free The Slaves Because He Cared or did he free the slaves to create a stronger union ? . I was researching this question online, and this article caught my attention because the title grasped my attention and i felt thought it would give me some great answers on my question also the beginning of the article was interesting to me because it told me peoples point of view on how they felt about Abraham Lincoln. The Title is “Abraham Lincoln -A Legacy Of Freedom” something i saw in the article that helped me with my question was he said all men are created equal because to me this signifies that he believe that black men are created equal with white men any complexion you are men should have the same rights so this put me in a place to think that Lincoln was a man who believe in equality.this source of information sparks my interest because this little information i got told me a lot on how Lincoln's personal thoughts was about how things were back then.



    “I do not want a negro woman for a slave i must necessarily want her for a wife “



    The quote I chose here is basically saying that Abraham Lincoln was against slavery he's basically saying that he does not want any African american for a slave he would rather want them as a wife he thinks that African american woman should be treated with respect and love rather being beaten and being told what to do.



    I think this is descriptive because this quote helped me understand what type of person Abraham Lincoln was as far as the issue of slavery and that he did give thought on how the African american slaves was being treated. It makes me wonder about how Lincoln was as president and also makes me wonder about how he was a good man that didn't care, how other people felt or disagreed with him about African american slavery.i wonder how people that was for slavery and wanted this to keep going on how did they feel when Abraham Lincoln stated hes quote.

    I'm learning more about Abraham Lincoln right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is Did Lincoln Free The Slaves Because He Cared or did he free the slaves to create a stronger union?. I was researching this question online, and this article caught my attention because of the title contested legacy the title made me anxious  to know Lincoln legacy and how people felt about Lincoln as a person and there view on him as being an antislavery or was he for slavery i chose this item to read because i felt as if the article would give me the answers i'm looking for for my question. The title of the article is “Lincoln’s Contested Legacy”.Something i saw in the summary about Lincoln was how people felt about him. some people felt as though he deserved to die and some people mourned his death and really felt like he was a good man. this spark my interest because i was getting to sides of the story i was getting people's feelings and thoughts about Lincoln as president before he died and when he died and this i feel can help my with my question.



    Lincoln Was A Progressive Man A human Man An Honorable Man And At Heart An Anti Slavery man”



    The quote I chose here is basically saying how Frederick Douglass felt about Abraham Lincoln he felt as though Lincoln was a great man a progressive man meaning he changed society for life he progressed into something that changed the world and peoples lives a human he was only human and made a big change for our future honorable Lincoln was honorable for his decision in freeing the slaves so for African american i know really honored him because African american people was the slave and an anti slavery man he didn't believe in slavery that why he had to put an end to it one way or another.

    I think this is a strong quote because  he was very descriptive when speaking about Abraham Lincoln he used words to define how he feels about Lincoln and not only did he speak about his feeling towards him about freeing the slave he also spoke about how he felt about lincoln as a man. It makes me wonder how other people felt about lincoln well african american people felt about lincoln because lincoln made a big difference in the black society. so i wonder if people felt the same as Mr Douglass or no.

    I'm learning more about Abraham Lincoln right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is Did Lincoln Free The Slaves Because He Cared or did he free the slaves to create a stronger union ?. I was researching this question online, and this article caught my attention because of the title The Mythical Lincoln to me sounded interesting and it would tell me some details that i need to know about his his view on free the African american slaves and him as person and his personal issues  regarding him when he was in term as president i chose this article because i saw some information that caught my attention about Lincoln as president what he wanted to do what was his goals and i thought this was great information that will help me answer my question. The title is “The Mythical Lincoln” Something i saw in the summary that i found interesting was Lincoln talking about the things he wanted to change when he was president also the type of person he was a leader a man that does what he say he is going to do. This sparked my interested because i felt when reading the article that the information that the author was given me was great information for my question because it let me know how Lincoln feels about African american people and the way the world was back then.



    “His have portrayed the mythical Lincoln as a man who brooded for decades over how he could someday free the slaves”


    The quote I chose here is basically saying that lincoln was brooded meaning he was deeply thinking about free the slaves for a long time and the reason he was thinking about free the slaves for a long time was because he knew some people really didn't want to free the slaves so he knew he had to think of a strong plan that was going to get some people to agree with him but back then white people really didn't want African Americans as friends they want them to work they treated black people like nothing so this quote is saying lincoln thought hard about freeing the slaves but he knew that was something he had to do because in his mind he knew wasn't right  



    I think this is strong because this is telling me what Lincoln was feeling and that he really knew what was wrong and he made it right and this really helps me understand why it took so long to free the slaves because some people didn't want him to  and he knew a lot of people would turn on him and not like him so this give me a real understanding  It makes me wonder why they killed him and why African american people honor Lincoln so much because he went out his way to make things right for this world and African Americans .


    I'm learning more about Abraham Lincoln right now, and in particular what i'm wondering about is did lincoln free the slaves because he cared or because he wanted to make a stronger union? I was researching this question online and this video caught my attention because it was stating facts that i have read in books and found interesting when reading these books. i found that lincoln did what he felt was not not what anyone told him and that to me tells me a lot about how lincoln thought were and where he wanted to go with begin elected as president . he was  a man with courage and also a man who thought about everyone not just his self and his people.

    "Lincoln was not the great emancipator he becomes the great emancipator”(24:51)

    The quote i chose here is basically saying that lincoln was a regular man like you and me and this is something that he wanted to become a great emancipator. he wanted to end slavery and show people that violence should not be the answer that knowledge and  facts is the key to greatness and he wanted to share this with everyone so by doing so he becomes more of  a great emicaptor and that the title wasn't giving to him overnight. he knows how to work with his enemies and friends to create respect and dignity that every man should be equal.

    I think this important because this sums up how lincoln was during his childhood and years as president. he was the same person and did what was best for his country and the people in it. this also helps me answer my question that lincoln did care about slavery that’s why he made a difference because he felt though it would break the untied states down more if slavery continued.

    Its makes me wonder how people  still today view lincoln overall because me i use to think lincoln was no good and did what was best for his people i was told this by my grandmother but now after reading books ,videos and movies all of these

    sources have the same information that guide me and my information the right way. i gain a lot of knowledge looking at these videos etc and i think people out there that had the same mindset as me should really do there research and find their answer instead of basing the answer on what someone told them.

    I'm learning more about Abraham Lincoln rightnow, and in particular what i'm wondering about is Did lincoln free the slaves because he cared or did he free the slave to create a stronger union? I was researching the question online and this video i saw caught my attention because it helped me answer my question it gave me information that i didn't know. also it gave me inspiration to go forward in whatever i want to do no matter whos on my side side if its right and can help you and others.

    Lincoln shows you what greatness is it is the capacity to grow”(24:51).

    The quote I chose here is basically saying that lincoln shows the people of the united states greatness because of the speeches he makes to inspire the people that change is for the better and can help us in the near future and when u have greatness in you not only is it helping you today it will help you in the future and he defined himself as a man that never gave up also a man that wanted to create change.

    I think this is important because this also inspires me today for a better future to also have greatness in myself . this helped me answer my question because it gave me information on what other people felt about lincoln overall and how he felt about slavery  and the civil war he didn't just think about people back then he thought about people in the future and that what makes him a legend in todays world.

    It makes me wonder about how much my life has change for the better even though i have went through some rough times i kept greatness in me. my head high thought of my future and what can can unfold and be great for me and my family.



    Dilorenzo, . (2002) The Mythical Lincoln., [blog] 12th February , Available at: [Accessed: 9th April 2013].

    Friedman, M. (2008) Lincoln As Emancipator. [e-book] Washington D.C. : Bureau of International Information Programs U.S. Department of State. p.46-51. [Accessed: 9th April 2013].

    Kunhardt, P. (2009) Lincoln's Contested Legacy., [blog] February 2009 , Available at: [Accessed: 11TH Feb 2013].

    The Presidents- Taylor to Lincoln 1849-1865 (2012) [video] History Tube.

    on April 11, 2013, 11:45 a.m.
  • Evelyn S said:

    my quotes are in my essay heres the link:

    on Feb. 22, 2013, 1:13 p.m.
  • Anthonyf said:


    One idea that I have been interested in is gangs. The Latin Kings to be specific, My question “is gangs always such a bad thing”. What I mean by this is that was gangs always bad or is judge very poorly. I was doing research and stumbled on this gang called the Latin Kings where they are not all that bad, I’m not going to go in details but their was a point in their existence where they represented the spanish community and supported them and protect them from police authority and other minorities groups in chicago.

    One quote that I chose from an wikipedia article “Latin kings” (t that supports my argument is , Originally created with the philosophy of overcoming racial prejudice and creating an organization of "Kings," the Latin Kings evolved into a criminal enterprise operating throughout the United States under two umbrella factions—Motherland, also known as KMC (King Manifesto and Constitution), and Bloodline (New York City)”

    This quote represents my question and supports my argument because the latin kings were once a good gang that despite racial discrimination and would help and support and protect at one point. Yet they did turn into a criminal organization. Basically all this quote is saying latin kings did and once was part of the working spanish community in chicago but all change when making money was a desire and drugs were sold.

    What Also brought up to my attention was that many successful people would often say how people in poverty and in gangs waste their life always doing crimes and nothing good for themselves. What if those kids , those teens wanted to do something in their life but was never given the chance.

    What quote I Chose to represents my idea to this is from an article called “the latin kings speak”
    , and goes “ Some people say you know pull yourself up by your own bootstraps right and we always say, well what if we don’t got boots. Then what? You know”

    In my response to this quote is that when you don't have certain qualities to get you farther in life what are you suppose to do? If you was given education thats great and all but what about support, many people in poverty does not have a brady bunch family waiting at home. So they stay out on the streets rather home and join other kids with the same problem and become delinquents because their nothing else with their life they could do.

    Is a gang strict? Do they literally have codes and regulations do they have to follow and if broken do they suffer serious consequences. Does the latin kings have something serious is their nation everything to them?

    In my response to this argument is from a quote from an article called “The Latin Kings” It goesThe Latin Kings operate under strict codes and guidelines that are conveyed in a lengthy constitution, and they follow the teachings of the King Manifesto”

    This supports my idea/argument because Latin kings are a religion and have very strict codes if broken you will; have to speak to the crown council and you will receive either violation or a head to toe which I heard is very very painful​. Kingnism is a religion where they are devoted to the nation and everything. There is even a book you must study the codes and signs, prayers. Everythings and if you mess up, Consequences reach out far.

    on Dec. 6, 2012, 10:57 a.m.
  • ZoeC said:

    I’m learning more about religion right now, and in particular what I’m wondering about is: Why do they exclude themselves from the “world” and have these outrageous rules they follow such as women not being able to wear pants? I was researching this question online, and this blog caught my attention because of the title, “ What does the Bible say about wearing pants?”. The title itself made me want to read more and know exactly what it says in the Bible.

    “The first thing that we must understand when asking this question is that no one in the Bible wore pants. They did not exist back then—at least not in the form we have them today. Because of this, the Bible never dealt with the subject of women wearing pants.” (2012) Over-reading The Bible – Sifting Reality. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 14 Nov 2012].

    The quote I chose here is basically saying that people need to understand that we are in modern days. Many centuries have passed where it’s okay for women to wear pants. Why should be living in the past? It’s also saying that pants weren’t even in existence back then so the Bible never specified about women wearing them.

    I think this is absurd because it makes me wonder why people still have this state of mind that if you are wearing skirts that makes you better than the people who wear pants, you believe in God more when you wear skirts. It’s not consider cross dressing. Cross dressing to me is when a man wears a dress and a women wears boxers, sags her pants like a man, and etc. It really makes me question if some people do this or say this just to feel superior.

    Another article that I read was, “Over-Reading the Bible,” which caught my attention because it spoke about how people might over analyze the Bible text and  spread wrong messages out into the world.

    “My position is that the vast majority of the Bible is not difficult to understand and pretty straight-forward.  I don’t think reducing the text to sound-bite sized portions is effective in discovering the author’s intent.“

    Barron, J. (2012) Over-reading The Bible. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 4 Dec 2012].

    The quote I chose here is basically saying that people are over-reading the text in the Bible. They keep trying to find something more in the text which is not there. The Bible is pretty blunt and straightforward that there’s no point in reading the text to sound-bite sized portions. It makes me wonder if we are opening up ourselves to seeing things which aren’t there.

    on Nov. 14, 2012, 12:51 a.m.
  • karina said:

    I'm learning more about if the chinese cultures and the hispanic culture handles money differently or the same. My opinion on this question is that I think they handle money the same if you ask me. I was researching this question online and this article came up “Chinese Money Habits-How my culture Influences My Attitude Towards Money” caught my attention because it tells you what chinese really uses money for and what is important for them.

    “The personal savings rate in China is incredibly high compared to the United States.” (2008). Chinese Money Habits - How My Culture Influences My Attitudes Toward Money. [online] Retrieved from:

     The quote I chose here is basically saying that the difference is savings are high because the chinese, thats all they do is save all the money they get. And thats a good thing that us the people need to learn is to save. Like that later on in life we don't have to worry about nothing.

     I think this really indicates that the chinese saves more than anyone because thats all they do. I think thats really amazing to me. And americans have to learn how to save because if not we won't have any money to fall on or for rainy days. When we really going to need it we aren't because we haven't saved a dime. And me being hispanic I don't like saving I like to spend all the money I lay my hands on.

     Another article that caught my eyes is called “What do the Chinese spend money on?” because this article gives me specific details on what this person seen in china and how is money being spent over their. Being that this person went all the way to china to observe she knows what is going on over.

    “Chinese public schools are not free through the 12th grade.” (2012) What do the chinese spend money on?. [online].

    The quote I chose is talking about when it comes to education in school they have to pay. Even for public school until 12th grade  you have to pay. When in the United States its free. Thats how you know the chinese doesnt play any games when it comes to education because they can't afford to fail.

     And last  but not least another article that caught my attention was called “Latinos and Remittances” because it tells us that the latino families help each other out and send money to their countries more often than other races.

    “Over the past two years Wells Fargo, as well as many other financial institutions, have launched initiatives to capture a larger share of the latino immigrant market.”

    Suro, R. (2012) Billions in motion:Latino immigrants, remittances and banking. [online].

    Basically this quote tells me that the spanish races reallys helps out their relatives even if they are left back in their countries. So the unites states made a bank that specifically does that for the latino cultures because they know that a lot of remittance occurs in their culture. So the bank made it easier for them to send.


    on Oct. 24, 2012, 1:11 p.m.
  • ashleynicole said:

          Something that I have been interested in learning more about has been Why do people feel the need to use firearms? I remember my mother was talking about it a couple of weeks ago, but i was in rush and didn’t want to listen to what she was saying. Lately, the issue has caught my eye again. I know that many people feel that many people are tired of hearing gunshots or finding out their love one was gunned down. People want to try to put a stop to the gun violence in our community but where do we start first. From what I have heard, It’s mainly black and hispanic people using firearms and more younger aged people are being killed due to the shootings For example, I heard that a 19 year old boy named kenneth archbold was gunned down early in the morning in harlem ny, It was ganged related and he also had a family a little baby girl on the way Now that's just what I've heard, it may or may not be true.

         One thing that I know for sure about Gun Violence is that it’s a big terror in our community and it needs to be stopped our children are being killed best friends brothers and sisters. Now, I've studied my share of Gun Violence, for example: U.S. is trying to crack down on it but i don’t think there really working hard enough they need to band the sales of firearms to anymore. and Personally, It's funny to me how they worry about everything else but they still let people buy them with little restrictions then they have the cops thats shooting innocent people. So who can we really look to for help in where to start with stopping it?

        Gun Violence was not as bad as it is not in the past couple of years it has gone up about 20%. Gun Violence can range from different things such as homicides the number on in firearm deaths and suicide and robbery and assault. Gun Violence cost the US 100 billion dollars annually. Emergency medical care is a major contributor,  Being that I didn't have a lot of background information on Gun Violence, I chose to do some research on the topic. As I searched for blogs and news articles on Google, I came across this one article: Children, youth, and gun violence This article provided a lot of information and opinions on Gun Violence.

           Some people felt that Gun Violence is something that needs to be stop and banded from our streets. ‘’The lethality of guns, as well as their easy accessibility to young people, are key reasons why firearms are
    the second leading cause of death among young
    people ages 10 to 19.’’
    This statement didn't really surprise me all that much, but it did make me feel upset and sad at the same time because kids so young should not have to die at a young age. All of this makes me think that when will it stop how many more families will have to suffer and how many more lives will end over Gun Violence. It has to stop one day.

      I have been doing a lot of research on my topic and basically found the same info everywhere i haven't been able to get anybody to comment on my writing but i checked it over and over and find it good enough.

    on Oct. 20, 2012, 3:14 p.m.
  • KrittLee said:

    I'm learning more about Illuminati right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: “Is this all real?” I was researching this question online, and this blog came up from Yahoo Answers. People were all putting in their point of views of the issue and their thoughts and beliefs about it as well. And I also read over this article as well called “Enough Is Enough”, and it all caught my attention because the thought, questions, answers, assumptions, speeches, books, internet, and many more that gives of this impression to believe in what’s being told to us, but don’t forget what is it you believing in and why. When most people can’t really answer the question as to ‘why?’.

    Yahoo Answers Respone to “Illuminati”:
    Article called Enough Is Enough”:

    Is the Illuminati real?

    I'm kind of on the fence about this one. I wouldn't be surprised if they did exist, but at the same time, I wouldn't be surprised if it was only a paranoid conspiracy theory too. I just wanted to know what other people thought.” - By Asker.

    “Be careful about this topic. Do some really good research!!! They are called the ILLUMINATI by us but they are far more elite. As you do your research you will wish you didn't dig so deep. I’m still digging and what a "hole" mess!!!

    alien hybrids
    good vs. evil
    YouTube the title "ILLUMINATI" and you could go on and on...”

    - The Young female who answered the question above.

    These quotes i’ve chosen gave me a few idea’s on going around asking my friends, family, and peers this very same question. But what’s being said here is basically stating two opinions on ‘Illuminati’ and the young lady who was one of many answers, I felt her answer was the best response to the question yet. She puts out there that this topic can be really tricky and her wording of saying that “They are called the ILLUMINATI by ‘us’ but they are far more elite”. I feel that couldn’t have been said better based on the detail she was expressing. Another thing she stated caught my interest, “As you do your research you will wish you didn't dig so deep. I’m still digging and what a "whole" mess!!!”, I think her meaning of this was trying get the reader or asker to understand her hard work she’s put in into the issue already and how much more she still is yet to learn. (2011). Is the Illuminati real? - Yahoo! Answers. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 17 Oct 2012].

    This topic sparked my interest because as I was wondering who and what do the Illuminati’s beliefs of god are. And how they think of things when something goes wrong or right for them. This article and the piece i’ve taken out to share, tells me more than enough, which leads to my theory of... “When is humanity going to get that we’re all in this together” without realizing it.  

    “The Illuminati accept this parable of human existence as taught by the reality of being on a rotating earth with the cycle of the seasons. The Illuminati are formed by no one. They are, as Timothy Leary suggested, self-appointed, self-taught, and self-motivated. The shared philosophy arises from mystical experience and understanding human history and mythology. It does appear that all useful scientific change and progress in human history was accomplished deliberately only by those with this holistic and humanistic view of self-divinity, self-achieved. But this transformation to greatness was most of time only impeded by others, certainly not encouraged or orchestrated by them. It was only those with fearlessness and confidence that all knowledge and contentment lay open to them with work who could possibly have the courage to make a difference.”

    Blog at | Theme: Andreas09 by Andreas Viklund.

    This is coming from the “True doctrine of Illuminati.” The quote I chose here is basically saying that the Illuminati wasn’t made up upon a person itself, it is rather something within yourself for those who feel, agree with, and train themselves to be apart of such belief. The subject “Illuminati” “arises from mystical experience and human history” that could not have been said any better to my understanding, this is all Illuminati really consist of. (2008). True Doctrine of the Illuminati « Enough is Enough. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 17 Oct 2012].

    I think this is confusing because it makes me wonder about how something so small become so big just because of someone said something and many others believed it. What will this cause next? How will this come to an end? Will this ever come to an end? Is illuminati something to get down with when you feel in powered?. These are all questions I ask myself. I try to get direct answers but I don’t think there is any.

    on Oct. 17, 2012, 2:11 p.m.