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This is a community organised study group following the syllabus of MIT 6.S198: Open Source Software Development for Educational Mobile Computing. This course will give you experience being part of the open-source development team for MIT App Inventor (, a cloud-based development environment where people can quickly create apps for Android devices by plugging together program blocks with a graphical user interface. App Inventor runs as a free worldwide service with 40,000 unique active users a week and a million users in total.
Build your own Wireless Sensor Networks using Arduino and XBee. From 101 to a totally-enabled you!
This course will explore the scale of open to non-open content and how to tell the difference.
An open curriculum and set of tasks to achieve tech (and other) literacies helpful to participate in Open Oakland, a Code for America Brigade.
This course will explore free/open source tools and data sources for use in community geospatial analysis.
Journalism in the 21st century.
Object Oriented programming with the Python language.
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