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Wk 2-eportfolio Tools [June 11, 2012, 6:47 p.m.]

There are now many "pay for service" sites for creating eportfolios but be sure to check out the the low cost and free tools before you make any decision. The Clever Sheep blog offers a great review of a range of free tools. Here are some other tools to consider:


Edit this task and add your own favorite tools!

This week, we have some options for tasks. Choose one and write about it.

Option 1 - Do you (or your students) have an eportfolio? If so, post a link to it here. What tools have you used to build e portfolios? What have been its advantages, or disadvantages? Do you have strategies that you have used to organise, build and maintain a portfolio that could be helpful to others?

Option 2 - Do you (or your students) have an eportfolio? If not, have you seen or thought about what tools might be most useful to build one? What are the important criteria for you in considering a tool?

Option 3 - Look at some different tools for creating eportfolios from the post above. Which do you think might be most attractive for you, and why?

Option 4 - Select a tool and start building your own eportfolio. As you build, post here about what worked well and what challenges you faced.