This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Invite Participants [May 3, 2011, 8:52 a.m.]

This working group requires more people to help build, curate and promote it when it's finished. Once the group is running as a study group it will need to be continuously improved and populated.

Do you know of a Javascript expert or teacher who'd be able to help?  Let them know about this group, here's the text we used for our blog post:


School of Webcraft and P2PU are transitioning to a study group activity model which invites people to work together around shared learning goals. Study groups are organised around "tasks"  - discrete activities that participants work through to develop their skills and knowledge. Courses are great - but they limit participants to learning only when someone willing to lead the group.
Our goal is to provide excellent ongoing learning activities and community happening around core web development topics - no matter when people join the School of Webcraft. Right now we're harnessing our collective energy to curate the content, tasks and study plan for a Javascript Basics study group - which will allow people to join-up and work through learning activities. We're working towards a suggested study plan that takes 6 weeks, though participants are free to work through their tasks at whatever pace suits them.
So far we've identified the core Javascript 101 competencies for the study group - and we'd like your feedback and help to develop the plan and curate learning resources and "tasks" that will help Webcraft participants learn everything they need to know about Javascript basics.
To help develop this study group please become a P2PU member and join up at Javascript Basics (Working Group).

Share the blog posts or tweet/ messages in the comments below. If you're using a different method of promotion let us know!