This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Release 0.2

Note: This page was moved into the github wiki.

Content Pages


One of the main features available at release 0.2 is the suport for course content pages. The name and who can add/edit/remove them could change in the near future, but the essence behind them at release 0.2 is:

  • They provide a way to add rich content inside's courses.
  • They are listed on the course sidebar so people can access them quickly.
  • The organizer and the participants can add/edit content pages.
  • The organizer and the participants can add non-threaded rich text comments to these pages which store the disscusion associated with the page.
  • The addition of new content pages or comments is a source of course updates, which appear on the course wall and trigger notifications to the organizer and the participants.


Rich Text


The rich text that forms a content page consists of:

  • bold, italic, underline, strike through, subscript, superscript
  • left, center, right and block justify
  • number lists, bulleted lists, horizontal lines, indentation, highlighted fragments of source code, quotes.
  • links, pictures, youtube videos, slideshare presentations, ...


Other features


  • Manual adition of participants.
  • Direct messages between organizers and participants.
  • Notification settings for course updates by email.
  • ...




This is an screencast showing some of the features available at Release 0.2


Next Release


See lighthouse for details about the next release.

Task Discussion