This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Week 1B- What do people say about engagement? [Sept. 18, 2011, 5:19 p.m.]


  1. Final Project
    Throughout this course you will be working on a final project that utilizes differentiated instruction techniques and strategies. This week, you will begin planning for this project.

    OPTION 1:  Lesson Plan

Download the Differentiating Instruction: Lesson Plan Template and save a copy to your computer (or to your GoogleDocs account if you choose to work there). You will return to this template throughout the workshop as you develop your lesson plan. Take moment to review the template components.

  • Think about a lesson you have recently taught, observed, or read about. Were any of the strategies you read about in the reading selections used in that lesson? What strategies did you or the teacher use that clearly differentiated the lesson for students?
  • Begin thinking about the lesson plan you wish to develop during this workshop. Consider how specific ideas in the reading selections will help you develop your plan.
  • Make a list of at least three strategies you learned about in the readings for this session that you can incorporate in your classroom. These strategies will be more fully developed in Section Seven of the template. For the time being, you can simply jot down your preliminary ideas and then add to or revise this list later.


OPTION 2:  Design Your Own Project

If you have an alternative idea for a final project or product that may be more useful to you, help you plan for your future work, and demonstrate what you have learned, you are encouraged to pursue that.  Please let your facilitator know during week one if you plan to go in this direction.

Some possible alternatives might be:

  • A presentation (of what you have learned or to supplement a classroom lesson) using PowerPoint, Google Presentation, or Prezi.
  • A video tutorial for classroom use using Jing or another screencasting tool.
  • An interactive poster of a plan for your differentiated classroom using Glogster.


Learn more about these tools in the videos below:

Google Presentation









Based on what you have read and viewed in this session, reflect on your own students and teaching practices. Share one idea from the readings or video that will be useful in planning for your own teaching. How does this idea connect with your current teaching style? How will it help you improve your current methods?

Be sure to return frequently during the session to read and respond to comments posted by other participants.

Week 1B: 


 Pick any article to read (or more) and use the comment feature to share what you notice about the definitions of engagement presented by different folks:

What do you think about the ideas for student voice and involvement in this article? Could any of these ideas be developed in your learning environment?

This handout discusses elements of engagement for adolescent literacy instruction.  What are the core ideas about engagement in this article?

Overview of student engagement and the elements the author believes go into making engagement occur. What elements does this author name?  Do you agree with each element?

What is your opinion regarding the two main ways to help engagement identified by this author?

article 4
Which letter of the alphabet (and engagement phrase) jumped out at you and why?