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Week 6: Humanistic mathematics [Feb. 18, 2013, 7:47 a.m.]

Part 1

Find a source, such as an article or a video, that discusses humanistic mathematics or some of its aspects. Link your source and write a brief summary.

Part 2

Find a math-rich craft you like. Sketch a project you would do if you had to teach math through that craft, to a group of students who also like that craft. What topics lend themselves well to that craft.

Inspirational example 1: hyperbolic crochet coral reef movie.

Inspirational example 2: Huzita-Hatori axioms of origami geometry (it's more powerful than Euclid's axioms - you can even trisect angles!)

Official trailer of origami math movie "Between the folds":

Part 3

Some people define mathematics as problem-posing and problem-solving only. Others consider math-rich art, poetry, and crafts to be mathematics as well. As educators, we face this argument (from parents, administration and students) every time we attempt to teach with projects. Name several steps we can take to make sure we keep ourselves and our students intellectually honest (doing real math) while conducting humanistic mathematics projects.