SoSI organizes and supports open courses for changemakers around the world. SoSI courses are:
SoSI supports learners, course designers, and course hosts who want to create courses like these with us. Volunteers from our community are available to help you with course design, content sleuthing from our network, course marketing, and, in some cases, help with technical development, for those great ideas worth exploring that go beyond the capability of existing technology.
Email us at if you have an idea for a course that should be offered!
Developing our skill for solving social problems with design thinking through practice.
This group is designed to share information among people using timebanking to create better options for real community-based juvenile justice.
Use of timebanking and co-production in building and implementing supports for youth, families, elders and other special populations.
This is the group designed to share nuts and bolts information about our experience with various modes of governance and facilitation
Make an awesome citizen cyberscience project.