posted message: Wendy posted an important comment : " my weakness is in self-motivation and following through (uh-oh, right?), so I have to make sure I find a network of people who will hold me accountable." EVERYBODY has this "weakness" with self motivated learning, and we are here to figure out solutions. Next week I'd like us to get started on Task 2, Build Your Personal Learning Network. I'm going to post a screencast on Monday outlining how I approach this task and I'd like those of you who've posted your plans to think about who you're going to ask to help hold you accountable. Thanks to everyone for your participation so far!
posted message: Mark, Vesa, and Brock, it looks like there's a lot of overlap in your learning interests. Perhaps you could schedule a time to chat, or look over each others' plans and suggest resources....
posted message: Wendy--do you see local unions and workers' organizations as well as professors being possible sources of knowledge and mentorship? 3 that I'm thinking of are Working Families Party, Freelancers' Union, and Make the Road by Walking.
posted message: I posted a screencast with commentary on the plans posted so far: I'd love if you could take a moment to comment on others' plans as well.
posted message: PS> As soon as we get two more plans I'll post a screencast with commentary and responses to the plans. Remember to think about DEADLINES and PEOPLE as devices to hold you accountable to the plan.
posted message: I'm very pleased to see the personal learning plans posted so far. Alison is studying ecological design, Ana is pursuing organic electronics, Brock is looking at designing learning experiences in business and education, and I'm learning about the importance of relationships in learning (peer, mentor, and self). I'm also excited that we have registrants from 5 countries! Those of you who have signed up should endeavor to start on your learning plans by the end of this week.
posted message: Welcome to everyone who's signed up! We'll get started next week.