posted message: I wish they would take the arrows away, click the HTML5 logo top left and the new page will always show the tasks in the proper order at the top of the page, sorry about the confusion.
posted message: There is some great use of the form tag with the interactive quizzes used here.
posted message: I see some questions on starting, clicking the HTML5 Logo will show the tasks in numerical order. If you can use dropbox that is how a lot of people link their work. This is self paced, read and do what the task asks. Reading others work and feedback accelerates the learning. Let the fun start!
posted message: Merry Christmas Everybody!
posted message: 1.The main goal for users of a learning how to use a computer community site would be To feel comfortable and not intimidated To think that they will succeed 2.The brand goals should include Logo Name Slogan that they remember and are attracted to 3.The business goals of this community site are to have enough members that ad revenue will cover at least cover hosting expenses. This is where I am at now. I read and went to all the sites to see what the discussion was, thanks for all of that. I will go back and go over it again for more insight, I wanted to post what I am thinking, which will evolve, thanks.