posted message: Hi all, it's been a very quiet couple of weeks in IRC and the Google group. We need to get back into action! We are opening a new Chapter 1 group starting in October and we will continue with the meeting fro Chapter 2 on freenode #sicp on Sundays at 7pm GMT. If you want to join in Chapter 1 please say hi here: cheers, Jos
posted message: Hey all, could all of you who wish to participate in the new Chapter 1 group let me know what time suits for meetings? I've just started a thread in the google group so if you could reply there, that'd be great! thanks! Jos
posted message: Hi guys, some of us will start Chapter 2 this week so it would be a great time to get another Chapter 1 group started for those of you who signed up a bit late or for any reason could not follow the group so far. If anyone is interested in getting Chapter 1 meetings (starting from scratch) please let me know and I'll arrange them. This new group could benefit from the experience of the previous group. Get in touch if you guys are interested! Jos
posted message: Hi guys, a quick reminder of the meeting in a couple of hours. There is a new chat functionality in the P2PU site, maybe we could give it a go? Let's meet in irc anyway and decide then. See you in a bit!
posted message: Hey guys! a quick reminder of the meeting today at 7pm GMT and 3pm EST. freenode, room #sicp see you there! Jos PS: Thanks to Ernestas for taking care of the logs last tuesday!
posted message: Hey all, a quick remainder about the meeting tomorrow. 7pm GMT, 3pm EST, freenode #sicp. Everybody welcome! Jos
posted message: Thanks everyone for coming along to the first meeting! Please check the google group for all the info discussed. I'll see you on Sunday!
posted message: And I got the times WRONG!!! 7pm GMT is not 3pm EST: so sorry about that! We will start the meeting 45 minutes from now, at 7pm GMT, which is 4pm EST. Sorry again for the inconvenience and talk to you guys soon!
posted message: First Meeting today at 7pm GMT, 3pm EST. We will use irc (freenode) and the room is #sicp. We will just be talking about organisation for the group. I realise some of you are on a different timezone and time does not suit. Please let me know if someone in or near EST wants to organise an additional meeting and we can talk about how to organise it. Many thanks and talk to you guys in a couple of hours! Jos
posted message: Right guys, are you ready to start this up? What about a meeting next week, say Tuesday the 14th about 7pm. GMT? We can choose whatever communication system you prefer, from skype to Open Wonderland, or a simpler solution (gmail chat?). If you haven't done it yet, please join our google group at: Cheers, Jos
posted message: Hi guys, sorry for all the delays... we are almost there! Next week is going to be a bit busy but we will launch after that. In the meantime, please don't forget the sign up task! Anyone going to the UK Software Craftsmanship conference on Thursday the 26th? would be cool to see some of you there! cheers, Jos
posted message: Hi all, could you please sign up for the google group that we'll be using for asynchronous communication (if you haven't done so already)? The group is at: Many thanks!
posted message: @Philipp thanks Philipp. Will leave them on and see if they are not much of a burden for users; otherwise I'll follow your work-around. cheers! Jos
posted message: Hey guys, I'm not sure where all the updates in my study group(SICP) are coming from? most are via the badges site... is that because I have added the badges site as an external link? There is a column marked as 'subscribed' in the links&content section of the study group that I don't seem to be able to uncheck (only options to update are name and URL). I've had 78 updates in less than 10 minutes! :) cheers, Jos