

Comment summary In response to
@sarahjane97 Omg, that's | @sarahjane97 Omg, that's crazy about that date.... 31 min 47 sec ago in response to How does technology change our brains and society?
Thanks @Jessicaaaaa :) | Thanks @Jessicaaaaa :) 1 hour 1 min ago in response to How does technology change our brains and society?
@monicatheresaking Right. Now | @monicatheresaking Right. Now my school just has... 1 hour 2 min ago in response to How does technology change our brains and society?
Technology & Depression | Dear Varjoe, I am fascinated by your post, “How... 3 days 2 hours ago in response to How Is Technology Making This Generation Depressed
To be without my cellphone? Impossible! | Dear Alejandra, I am concerned about your post,"... 3 weeks 3 days ago in response to Cancer in cellphones
Agree/Disagree | Dear Dato, I agree/disagree. They both have pro'... 3 weeks 3 days ago in response to Girls and boys should be taught in separate schools
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