Rooted in Jesus: The Gospel of John

Why am I reading this now? It all starts and ends with Jesus. Who is He? What made Him special? Is He God? What does it matter if He was or wasn’t? These are questions that need to be asked. Thankfully John was there, a friend and follower of Jesus. John was an eyewitness to the things Jesus said and did. Through his experience with Jesus, John came to believe that Jesus was no ordinary man. He devoted the rest of his life telling Jesus’ story to everyone who would listen. In his last years, near the end of the first century AD, the Holy Spirit led John to record his memories of Jesus for future generations.

John was not interested in merely sharing interesting stories about Jesus with us. John had a clear purpose for writing. He writes in John 20:31: “these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” John did not record every word that Jesus said or miracle that He performed, but only those that would best demonstrate to you that Jesus is indeed who He said He was. What do you think? Is John convincing?

Questions while you read:

  • 1:1-18: How does John describe the unique relationship between Jesus and God? Why did Jesus come to us?
  • 3:1-4:42: What did Jesus want to teach Nicodemus and the woman at the well about himself? How did they respond?
  • Take special note of each miracle Jesus performs. What does each miracle teach us about Jesus?
  • Take special note of the seven “I Am” statements in the gospel. How did people respond to Jesus’ claims?
  • 20:24-31: Thomas is called “The Doubter” yet he is really no different than any of us. Are you ready to believe in Jesus?

Additional Resources

  • Rooted Sermon #1 on John 1:1-18 (text)
  • Rooted Sermon #2 on John 2-4 (text, audio)
  • Rooted Sermon #3 on John 5-11 (text, audio)
  • Rooted Sermon #4 on John 20:24-29 (text)
  • Rooted Sermon #5 on John 13-17 (text)


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