Part 6: Learning through making

Learning through making in the physical and digital world is explored in this part of the course. We will discuss the related theories, and critically relate these to our own professional context in order to find ways to engage our learners in this type of learning.


  1. Take a picture of something you made and bring it to the session/add them to your portfolio and briefly explain your rationale. What does this mean to you?

  2. Think of your most creative session and create a visual representation to capture important elements of this. You will share this with others at the start of the session.

  3. Read: Ackermann, E. (2001) Piaget’s Constructivism, Papert’s Constructionism: What’s the difference?, in: Future of learning group publication, Vol. 5, Issue, 3, pp. 1-11, available at

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

By the end of this section, you will have had the opportunity to:

  1. Critically discuss the theories of constructivism, social-constructivism and constructionism
  2. Critically discuss the value of learning through making
  3. Explore possibilities to use learning through making  in your practice

Suggested readings

  1. Gauntlett, D. (2011) Making is connecting. The social meaning of creativity, from DIY and knitting to YouTube and Web2.0, Cambridge: Polity Press.

  2. The LEGO Group (2010). Open-source/<Introduction to LEGO(R) Serious Play(R), available at

  3. Nerantzi, C. & Despard, C. (2014) Lego models to aid reflection. Enhancing the summative assessment experience in the context of Professional Discussions within accredited Academic Development provision,  in: Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, Edinburgh Napier University, Vol 2, Number 2, July 2014, pp. 31-36, available at


Share your activities via the #creativeHE community at and engage with others in a conversation around these.

To earn a badge, engage with at least one of the following activities and capture the evidence in your portfolio.

1 -ILO1- The following presentation will give you further insight into learning through making. Also study some of the related theories and create an artefact that captures your understanding of learning through making.

The Mindset of the Maker Educator from Jackie Gerstein

2-ILO2- Watch the following clip and respond to the question raised.

3-ILO3- Critically reflect on learning through making in your own professional context. Briefly describe the current situation in your place of work. Identify opportunities for using learning through making, linking it to a specific unit/module/programme based on an informed pedagogic rationale that would be of value for your students. Capture your reflections in your portfolio.


Continue working on your project plan. Think about your students and how learning and teaching could look like after implementation of your innovation. How do you feel about it and what can help you make your innovation work? Reflect on these questions and add to your portfolio. Share with others.


Digital LEGO model maker at


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