First steps

Before licensing your work with CC, here is some background that will be helpful for you to know:

  1. What is Creative Commons? (or try the excellent Get CC Savvy course here at School of Open)
  2. You don't need to register your work - just pick a license!
  3. Make sure your work is copyrightable
  4. Make sure you have the rights
  5. Make sure you understand how Creative Commons licenses operate
  6. Be specific about what you are licensing
  7. Are you a member of a collecting society? If so, does it allow you to CC-license your works?

Click on each link to understand these points more in depth. After you've made sure you can license the work under CC, you'll need to choose your license.

(Note: The Creative Commons website has a page with even more things you should think about before applying a CC license.)

Task: Once you’ve gone through the materials above, write your own short (3-5 sentence) answer to the following questions in the comments space below:

  • What is Creative Commons?
  • Would you use Creative Commons licenses? Explain your answer.

Hint: If you are still having difficulty understanding CC, look at other people‘s answers below to see if they help.


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