Week 7: Share your resource about CC - April 29

The last virtual meetup will take place Thursday, May 2 at 3:00pm US pacific (UTC-7 - convert to your timezone here). Please RSVP at this pad with your Google email and I will invite you to the hangout.

Topics for discussion at virtual meetup

  1. Share your resource about CC with each other! Discuss and provide feedback.
  2. For those of you who involved your students, what were their reactions? For those working in groups, how was collaborating across timezones? What issues did you run into?

Your final mission:

(due Sunday, May 5)

  • If you didn't work with your students to develop the resource, show/teach it to your class, colleagues, or friends. Do they now have a better understanding of Creative Commons?
  • Share final reflections on the cc4k12 blog, either about the course as a whole or about your students' reactions.
  • Please take this end of course survey to give us feedback on your learning experience. It will help us improve the course for your peers!


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