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World Wide Web of Open [March 4, 2013, 10:28 p.m.]

The internet is full of Open Resources that are available for anyone to use in a number of different ways. From Public Domain to Creative Commons licensed work, Open Access to Open Source, each type and distinction of Open holds a specific purpose in defining the types of open content that are available and how they all can be used.

Don't worry if this is sounding like a lot, watch this video to get a sense of what roles Copyright and Creative Commons play in defining open vs. non open web content.

Read this Spectrum of Rights comic too!

Continue reading the rest of this Spectrum of Rights Comic so help you visualize the sprectrum that we are working through in this challenge.

The Sharing Creative Works presentation and the Spectrum of Rights comic are a great introduction to of the variety of resources available on the open web and the spectrum of rights we need to consider when using them. 

To gain a more comprehensive understanding of Copyright Terms, Creative Commons, and Public Domain, read some of the content available in these links below.

Public Domain

Creative Commons

Bonus: If you haven't already, Complete the "Get CC Savvy" Challenge to learn about Creative Commons!

U.S. Copyright Office’s Copyright Basics

OR view this interactive timeline about Copyright by Dipity.


If the websites are too lengthy, the legal jargon gives you a headache, or you want a concise summary of the various concepts covered here, view this slideshare about Copyright, Fair Use, and the Evolution of Creative Commons



After you watching the video and reading the links, what questions do you still have left? Are there any concepts that were unclear and you would like clarified? Is there any topic that you thought you would learn about that was not discussed? Post these questions in the discussion section. Also share any research you have done on your own on CC licenses or copyright. Did it match with the information in the video?