This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Full Description


* (Jan 26 2011)
Hi guys,

Thanks for signing up. :)

I wasn't entirely familiar with p2pU system so I admit that all the process wasn't too smooth. A lot of waiting and no email reply from me.. 


So as for the course, everybody that sees their name in the course home are enrolled. Congratulations!


A lot of people sent me interesting applications so it's a shame that everyone is not in. But all the coursework will be freely available online so please feel free to come by. (For those of you whose status say pending or not accepted are not officially part of the course due to the small class size. I am really sorry about that)


There were a few considerations I took in to decide course members.

1. It's first time for me to organize a coursework so I wanted to keep the size small enough for me to be able to deal with. 

2. There might be a few advanced people in the course I believe but most people who are enrolled are more or less beginner level in wordpress so that they can take something out of this experience.

3. A lot of people showed interests for e commerce sites. But I felt that e commerce site development should be an independent subject. This course will cover more general topics regarding wordpress. Hopefully, we can organize something for that specific subject in the future.


I will send a separate email to course members for the week1 schedule.


Once again, Thanks a lot, everyone!


- t


Wordpress is a useful platform for people without much programming knowledge to build a decent website. By utlizing freely/inexpensively available reseources (themes, plugins) and customizing its designs and functions, we can expand what our website can offer.  
We're going to start from how to install wordpress on the server, how to customize themes and styles to suit our own needs, to how to well maintain the site.  

Learning Objectives

1. Install Wordpress
2. Install Themes/Plugins
3. Understand Dashboard
4. Use built in Wordpress functions
5. Customize themes
6. Maintain the site
7. Back up the project
8. SEO (Might need some help on this..)


It'll be helpful if people have some knowledge in HTML, CSS and some javascript. But it is not necessary. 
It'll be great if you have wordpress installed on your server.

Sign-Up Task

1. Outline a website project you want to create using wordpress platform
2. (Preferably) Have wordpress installed on your server before the course begins - Ref:

Task Discussion