posted message: Hey everybody, a quick poll. I am thinking of setting up a dedicated server that you can use for hosting your game projects for this class. If you are in the class and you don't already have a server of your own to use, I would give you an account on the class server; you could use an FTP program to transfer files there. Show of hands: How many people would make use of this server if I set it up?
posted message: Hey everybody: I apologize if you've sent me a question or posted an assignment and I haven't responded to you yet. I'm a bit backlogged with work at the moment. I do intend to write back to everyone but it may take me a couple of days more.
posted message: Hey everybody, I posted four code examples for drawing with Canvas, on the Lesson 2 page. Check them out!
posted message: Code examples for canvas drawing will be coming up tonight.
posted message: Hi everybody, I've added the next set of assignments. There are two canvas-drawing exercises, as well as an assignment to begin planning the architecture of your game by breaking your design down into objects and methods.
posted message: Added two new videos on the Lesson 2 page: how to use image files in a canvas, and how to start thinking about your game engine.
posted message: I just posted the first video explanation about drawing with canvas: